Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Years Resolutions??

All our lives we look forward to the new year. More towards the end of the out going year as opposed to the beginning of the new one. On the Jewish calendar the new year comes in the fall. The celebration of Rosh Hashanah is a festival indeed. From dipping pieces of apples into honey before eating (YUM!!) to the blowing of the shofar there are festivities abounding. No there is no count down, nor expensive ball dropping in Times Square. There is lots of family and feasting and friends. Usually we do not look at how the next year will be different from the previous year, nor how we hope to make it better.

So cultures are different. Throughout the world the standard calendar of use is the Gregorian calendar. According to this calendar, January 1 marks the new year. People the world over start planning early. Having worked in the restaurant business, I know how true this is. People will make reservations in July for December 31st. I even had some who would arrive at the restaurant for their reservations for New Years Eve and try to make reservations for the next year. I have never been able to wrap my mind around around this. Many parents would find it fascinating (and lucky for them) that I never had plans for New Years Eve. So I would sit back, play with the kids till they fell asleep and make a few bucks just having a quiet evening. Who made out better?

Saying farewell to the old year and greeting the new one with (usually drunken) vigor has been a tradition for many years. Some look back to the year coming to a close to weigh the good things that have befallen them. Others look back at all the ills they had and say the new year will be much better. then there are those who only look forward to what will be and the possibilities they can make for themselves and others around them.

So what is the premise for resolutions? The act of making New Year's resolutions dates back to the ancient Romans and the mythological King Janus as early as 153 B.C. Janus had the ability to look back and look forward at the same time. Being able to look back on the old and forward to the new gives perspective into how to truly look at your resolve. However, it would seem that many set the exact same resolution every year hoping that this will be the year they do not fail. So, instead of setting the same resolutions, look back as to why the old ones failed last year and look forward to renewing in a fashion that would allow you to achieve that which you set out to do.

Some of the resolutions people set for themselves are usually having to do with health and fitness. Gym memberships increase just after January 1st. However, attendance in gyms dwindles as the weeks move forward. Others look at eating better though the year and to not frequent the fast food shops. However, McDonald's and other such places continue to thrive.

What are your resolutions for 2009? Examine them from many perspectives and try to be like King Janus. I have not been one to make resolutions but always have served to just be a better person each day then I was the day before. When I have made them it is usually as a joke when a group of friends are discussing theirs and always ask me to make one. Earlier today i was IMing with a friend in Nashville and we were discussing something totally different and I off-handily decided to add a New Years Resolution to my New Year. No more men. No relationships of romantic nature. I had a doctor once who told me I was a work-a-holic and should get a social life. I tried and it was more stressful trying to have a social life then not. I told the doctor he was crazy. So I leave it for you, how will you make your resolutions for the new year?

1 comment:

Kimala said...

you make lots of great points Parker. It seems like resolutions should be more about life goals and dreams rather than short term fixes. I know I look forward to a new year because it all seems so fresh and new and full of expectation. So little in life comes with those feelings. Don't swear off men forever. Just take it slow. There are lots of good ones out there. Sometimes they just happen to turn up when you aren't looking.

Either way - I'm glad I got to know you as a friend in 2008 and look forward to 2009 and all that it brings :) Cheers TN girl!